Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chess Coffee Table The Book I'm Writing Features The Palace Of The Gods, And I Need The Most Stunning Rooms That Can Be Imagined.?

The book I'm writing features the palace of the gods, and I need the most stunning rooms that can be imagined.? - chess coffee table

Give me your prose to describe a room. Each space.

"The magnificent lobby is cascading from a height of ceiling, bathed in the light of the whole sky. The blue of the sky flows into the space reflected the pale walls and large mirrors in gold dazzling gold crystal skylights Cerulean serenity. The columns Walls are bright shores of large glass support alternately gold and silver light. Mirrors extend from floor to ceiling and to increase the bright light that falls from the canopy. The effect is to make a room warm and polite is not so bright seem jewelry. Most of the quasi-Egyptian style furniture is made of solid oak, with soft cushions and large soft Burgundy, gold frame covered with satin and brocade decorated and consists of a variety of sofas, chairs, sofas, tables, sofas and marble pearls, diamonds, sapphires and rubies, and rich and covered with silk cushions. A café, a brilliant-cut diamonds table indestructible and beautiful, with a transparent gold Aluminu infusedm is compared with a large sofa. At one point, a case of marble, full of books on the wall with six dozen is hard and glossy, back filled volumes. In one of the tables in the bar a nice chess set is made of glass. The board is lined on the bottom and measures 14 inches square. Half of the game pieces are engraved to create a matte surface, while others are very clear. There are also several tables with mirrored panels and cabinets filled with rare and curious things. The floor lights up gently in the butter and golden carpet in shades of blue, blue-green, brown and aquaculture are the armed chairs. "


AZ Imagined said...

Oy, which went over the prose! I mean, you have a good group of sentences, but it is too heavy for a single chain of narration. I must also say that many of his sentences do not flow well from one to the next job ... in their transitions.

However, much better than what most people in this room. Spelling and grammar are excellent.

chedderh... said...

Umm, less is more.

I Was Blind, and Now I See said...

many, many books!

U've seems a good description

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